WARNING: Doing the Dishes Might Lead to Sex!

That’s right, all men out there that are in relationships who do not want to have sex…

There is a direct correlation to doing housework and getting laid. You don’t believe me? Go ahead, I dare you to vacuum the living room or do a load of laundry. Even more…I dare you to do it without your significant other nagging you to do it!

I have been suffering with too much great sex in my relationship. The more housework I do the better my sex life gets. I cooked my wife a meal the other night and she actually chose to devour me instead of the chocolate lava cake waiting for her in the oven.

I asked my wife why doing housework causes her to ravish me. She said, “When you do things like cook dinner or vacuum I get how much you love me and that makes me feel good.” She then went on to tell me that it’s the many little things that I do in our relationship that demonstrate to her that I am a full partner. So for all you guys out there who are asking, “What can I do in my relationship to get more nookie?”, I’ve made a list:

  1. Clean the bathroom (especially the toilet)
  2. Vacuum any room
  3. Put the toilet seat down
  4. Rub her feet
  5. Give her a massage

If you really want to seal the deal…Cook a nice meal AND do the dishes

About North Star Coaching

This country has a divorce rate of about 50%. As hard as it might seem to get into a good relationship, trust me, it’s harder to get out of a bad one. That’s why what I do is so important. I am dedicated to helping women get it right the first time. You’re here because you want to have a better life through a strong, loving relationship. Coach with me and I will show you the way.

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